Fishing for Wishes 17.1.2

25 min read

Deviation Actions

TheWellWriter's avatar

Featuring badges, contests and events, critiques and comments, daily deviations, features.


Take a look at the new wishes!


Wishing for cake, llama or llama accessory badges


:groups: Felizias wishes for more llamas for her herd. :groups:

Blue mountains by Felizias  Working horse by Felizias  The guard by Felizias


:star: LauraGalliArt wishes for more llamas. :star:

<da:thumb id="655174870"/> <da:thumb id="651420785"/> <da:thumb id="649776006"/>


:heart: bellmiere wishes for llama badges. :heart:

<da:thumb id="657241806"/> <da:thumb id="654888009"/> <da:thumb id="655850143"/>

Contests and events

Wishing for prizes or participants for contests and events

Critiques and comments

Wishing for critiques or comments


:star: R-R-Eco wishes for more comments. :star:

Routine [Ita]Mikiko osservò il volto di Sky con sguardo critico. Stentava quasi a riconoscerlo, tanto era ricoperto di lividi, graffi e ferite varie. Tuttavia, anche così, letteralmente gonfio di botte, il ragazzo manteneva una singolare bellezza; gli occhi, di un magnifico azzurro, più limpido addirittura del cielo che splendeva su Rio nei giorni di sereno, risaltavano ancor di più in mezzo ai lividi violacei che circondavano le palpebre, e la pelle leggermente scura, abbronzata da anni di sole, sembrava adattarsi perfettamente ai graffi che ora la ricoprivano numerosi, come se si fossero sempre trovati lì. Persino le labbra, spaccate in più punti, e i lunghi capelli castani, che ora gli ricadevano disordinati ai lati del viso, contribuivano a dare al ragazzo un’aria selvaggia e stranamente attraente. Mikiko abbassò il capo, per nascondere il lieve rossore che aveva principiato a colorarle le guance, e il suo sguardo si posò sulla maglia di Sky, o quan  Rainbow picture - Critica costruttiva [Ita]«Guarda che non devi trattenere il fiato». Yuki si sporse da dietro la tavola su cui stava dipingendo, per osservare la sua modella. Di fronte a lei, Echo von Goethe – alias “la modella” – rimase immobile. «Echo!» la richiamò più forte Yuki, ma l’altra si limitò a spostare lo sguardo su di lei e bisbigliare: «Non voglio farti sbagliare».
Quando Yuki le aveva chiesto di farle da modella per un quadro, Echo aveva preso il compito molto seriamente. L’ultima cosa che si sarebbe mai aspettata, era di diventare il soggetto di un’opera d’arte: fino a quel momento le donne che aveva visto dipinte nei quadri erano delicate ed eleganti, mentre lei assomigliava più ad un tronco di pino con le braccia. Per quanto il suo fisico fosse prestante ed atletico, a detta di alcuni addirittura “scultoreo”, Echo non si era mai considerata bella.
Yuki sbuffò. «Non ti sto facendo una foto, p
  Tutto sembra semplice [Ita]Tutto sembra semplice quando ti guardo
mentre litighi e scherzi con i tuoi amici
o mentre semplicemente sogni, guardando in alto
ti perdi nell’azzurro del cielo, e di rimando
il cielo si perde nell’azzurro dei tuoi occhi.
Tutto sembra così semplice quando ti guardo.
È strano, ci conosciamo da una vita
siamo sempre stati insieme ma non ti ho mai raggiunto
non ti ho mai rivelato questi sentimenti
che incessanti riempiono le mie giornate.
Tutto sembra semplice, ma è solo apparenza
perché quando ti parlo, quando provo a raggiungerti
mi accorgo che la mia gola non mi appartiene
il mio cuore impazzisce e la mia mente si svuota
e non riesco a pronunciare neppure due parole: ti amo.

Daily deviations

Wishing for a daily deviation


:star: Lady-Compassion wishes for a daily deviation. :star:

Celestial Rose by Lady-Compassion Orihime by Lady-Compassion Hekonu by Lady-Compassion


:star: Wildphoenix22 wishes for a daily deviation. :star:

Commission: Oliver the Hunter by Wildphoenix22  Fall Berries by Wildphoenix22  Commission: Tiffany on the Lake by Wildphoenix22


:heart: OH-MY-ARCEUS wishes to get a daily deviation on this. :heart:

Church by OH-MY-ARCEUS


:heart: Yennie-Fer wishes to receive a daily deviation. :heart:

Clarity Nane Chibi by Yennie-Fer  Prayer by Yennie-Fer  Broken Smile by Yennie-Fer


Wishing for art or a journal to be featured


:groups: PizzaPotatoNBacon wishes for PKMN-Steam to have more exposure. :groups:

PS: The Stars (Masquerade Costume Meme - Rory) by PizzaPotatoNBacon  Purple Peep by PizzaPotatoNBacon  PS: Searching And Slipping by PizzaPotatoNBacon


:star: HayaMika wishes for more exposure of their work and page. :star:

bashieee by HayaMika  protect her by HayaMika  heraaa by HayaMika


:star: MamaLantiis wishes for a new dAWishingWell's member to be featured. :star:
Featuring: PixelOfMoons


Nanami by PixelOfMoons  Little Yellow Flower by PixelOfMoons  Undyne by PixelOfMoons


:star: sJibbi wishes for more exposure for Tysirr. :star:

ChC nr2 by Tysirr <da:thumb id="607331550"/>  ChC nr3 by Tysirr


:star: moonlight-fox wishes for more exposure. :star:

The Gift of Art by moonlight-fox  Gaia Commission: Fenrir by moonlight-fox  Free Request for Frostdance89 by moonlight-fox


:heart: Bugdaze wishes for exposure or her short story collection thing called Willow's Living Nightmare: The Collection. :heart:

WLN:TC- Nine Lives
Hello. My name is Willow Starling (I know my last name is stupid, please don’t bring it up). You may have met, seen, or heard of me. Either way, you know I’m a bitch. That’s absolutely correct! But, I wasn’t always like this. That’s crazy, I know, but I once was very kind. I’ve been through unimaginable pain, stuff nobody should. But I had to, because of two assholes who ruined it all. I’ve dealt with one already. One’s immortal, however, so please go kick him in the balls for me. But only if you want. So, here’s the story of my lives. Just warning you, it’s very soul-shattering, so you should walk away. No? Well, okay…
I was born late, so I was originally supposed to be born October 31st, however, was born November 10th. But that’s irreverent. I lost my parents from illness on my 7th birthday and had to live on my own. I lived in a cave for the most part and stole what was left of the food from my old house. I tho
  WLN:TC- Fireflies
Willow looked at the looming sky, the stars twinkling brightly above her. They seemed so dim compared to Lydia’s brilliant blue eyes, which was looking down at the ground. Willow sensed a saddened pang coming from her like she was hiding something that would hurt her. Willow looked at the blackened house she’d known since she was a tiny human child. Nathanael was still asleep. The 5 AM mist overwhelmed her, the freezing cold air freezing the grass below her. She turned her head to Lydia, who was avoiding eye contact.
“Lydia, what’s wrong, my love?” Willow asked in a pained and worried tone. Her job was to take care and love Lydia, she didn’t know what to do without her.
“It doesn’t matter,” Lydia whispered.
“Yes, it does!”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Please, tell me.”
A loud sigh came from Lydia. “Fine. Look, I… I’ve fallen in love with someone else. I want to break up.”


:heart: AshtreeJ wishes for more exposure for her weekly features. :heart:

Weekly Feature #7: Becoming an ArtistEarn Points
Llama Trade
The Beginning
:new: Quick Update! No one caught my 25,000 pageview kiriban thing! It's okay since I haven't even done it before so I don't feel too bad. I was planning to have the prize be random and different each time and unannounced until there was a winner (or lack thereof) because mystery makes things exciting! I was going to give 100 points to the winner this time, but no one got it. :P Next pageview thing will be at 30,000 and it won't be points this time because it's a mysteryyyy~~
Dot Bullet (Rainbow) - F2U! Dot Bullet (Rainbow) - F2U! Dot Bullet (Rainbow) - F2U! 
Weekly Feature #6: Welcome to the New Year! Earn Points
Llama Trade
A Fresh Start
purple heart bullet blue heart bullet Hello all! I hope you had a wonderful holiday break and spent some time having fun or relaxing. ^_^ I'm changing things up blue heart bullet purple heart bulleta bit and will be posting my weekly feature on Wednesdays from now on (I'm in California btw). Also, because I am back, my inbox is open again for people who want me to review their work! This week will have no particular theme so just sit back and enjoy the art! 
Miknyik is an artist from Hungary who depicts every day things in a realistic y
Weekly Feature #5: Have a Happy Happy Holiday!Earn Points
Llama Trade
Merry Merry Times
This feature is a special one just for the holiday season. I picked deviations from deviants who deserve to be more known, and my choices were based on the warm fuzzy feeling I get seeing their work. Please know that if you are featured here, your art made me feel happy. ^_^











:heart: Kawuwu wishes for Sorarumi14 to get more exposure. :heart:

Angelic Rantarou by Sorarumi14  I really really by Sorarumi14  Pucca by Sorarumi14

If you granted a wish or if your wish was granted, please leave a comment or send the group a note. We need to know who granted the wish and who has their wish granted. If you grant multiple wishes, please save us time by listing everyone instead of just saying you granted everyone's wish. For core membership and point wishes, please tell us if you granted the wish in full.

Please note that the wishes to be featured are usually gathered on Friday and the features might come a few days later, meaning that your wish might not be feature then but the week after. We also limit journals to a maximum of 30 wishes.

That's all for this week folks! Fishing for Wishes will return next week with new wishes.


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Lady-Compassion's avatar
For Moonlight-fox by Lady-Compassion   helped  :iconmoonlight-fox:  with a little more exposure